Chempion - Integration
Chempion - Integration
Generate a Tempo Protocol
There are several options to generating a tempo protocol:
- 1 to 1
- 1 to 4
- 4 to 1
- dmso
Each option create 3 output files:
- pod file - tempo xml file.
- ecp file - echo cherry picking file
- csv file - list of transfers for cherry picking
Here is an example snapshot for create 1 to 1 tempo protocol:
Import Echo Log Files
Just choose the echo log file, and then hit submit, it will create the relevant plates and compounds
Here is an example snapshot:
Generate CMT File For Integrating With Genedata Screener
Creates a CMT file for GeneData.
You can force the concentration to be fixed with the 'Forced Concentration' parameter.
Here is an example snapshot;