
Chempion, a web-based inventory management system developed by the G-INCPM for its Drug Discovery unit.
Chempion’s only focus is inventory management. It integrates with and complements other applications used by the lab for compound registration, analysis, etc.

Chempion git repositroy is located here:


Key Concepts


A location system that can store plates and tubes in various location types (room, freezer, shelf, etc.)


Represents a single compound which can be stored in Tubes and Plates.


A matrix representation of a plate which can store compounds in its different wells.

Dry Tube

A tube storing a dry compound.

Liquid Tube

A tube storing a liquid compound.


Representation of an atomic action in Chempion which holds info regarding the user, date, action, inputs and outputs,

Performing atomic actions

An atomic action - register, clone, etc.

3 ways:

Note: In all actions, fields will be painted with a red border if the value is not what we expect, an informative error message will be shown while hovering the field.

Documentation Sections

Chempion - Tube Management

Chempion - Plate Management

Chempion - Inventory

Chempion - Integration

Chempion - Jobs

Chempion - Search