Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Here is an example snapshot:

Dissolve Single Tubes

Dissolves single tube/s to destination tube/s.


Here is an example snapshot:

Dissolve and Split Tubes

Dissolves tube/s and splits to destination tube/s.


Here is an example snapshot:

Split Liquid Tubes

Dissolves tube/s and splits to destination tube/s.

Each row in the upper table needs to get the source tube 'Tube Name' and new destination tube prefixand 'Splits Name', it will create several destination tubes with this prefix according "Splits number" value (number of splits), .

New/existing location will be shown in the bottom table.

Here is an example snapshot:

Image Added

Transfer from Tubes to Plates

Transfers from tubes to plate/s.


Here is an example snapshot:

Update Compounds

Updates compounds in tube/s.


Here is an example snapshot - you can see that we chage the supplier MW in tube1 to 3.5 and the volume in tube2 to 10:

Image Added

Delete Tubes

Deletes existing tubes.

You just need to fill the Just fill a tube name in each row.

Here is an example snapashotsnapshot:

Image Added